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Prometheus v1

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This page describes the v1 version of the Prometheus exporter. If you are just starting with our Prometheus integration, we recommend using our v2 version.

💡 Check out our blog post on using this integration with Prometheus and Grafana for some cool real-life applications.

Checkly exposes the following metrics in a Prometheus-compatible format.

Metric Description
checkly_check_status Whether a check is passing or failing. 1 means the check is passing, 0 means the check is failing.
checkly_check_degraded_status Whether a check is degraded. 1 means the check is not-degraded, 0 means the check is degraded.
checkly_check_result The last collected response time for a check in a specific region. This means you get one checkly_check_result stanza for each region the check is configured to run in.
checkly_private_location_queue_size The number of check runs scheduled to a private location and waiting to be executed. In particular, this metric reports the maximum count of scheduled check runs over the past 10 minutes.
checkly_private_location_oldest_scheduled_check_run The age in seconds of the oldest scheduled job in the private location’s queue. In particular, this metric reports the maximum age from the past 10 minutes.
checkly_private_location_agent_count The number of connected Checkly Agents connected for a private location. An Agent is considered as connected if it’s communicated with the Checkly infrastructure in the past 10 minutes.

Each checkly_check metric has the following labels:

  • check_name, the name of your check.
  • check_type, either api or browser.
  • tags, this check’s tags.
You can set key:value tags in your checks/groups and they will be exported as custom labels in Prometheus. For instance the tag env:production will be exposed as a custome label env="production". You can disable this by adding the query param disableTagParsing=true.

The checkly_private_location metrics contain the labels:

  • private_location_name, the name of the private location.
  • private_location_slug_name, the private location’s human readable unique identifier.
  • private_location_id, the private location’s UUID.
If a private location has no check runs for six hours, it will be considered inactive and checkly_private_location metrics won’t be reported for it.

Here is an example:

# HELP checkly_check_status The status of the last check. 1 is passing, 0 is failing
# TYPE checkly_check_status gauge
checkly_check_status{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",muted="false",activated="true",tags="alerts,public"} 1
checkly_check_status{check_name="Email login",check_type="browser",muted="false",activated="true",tags="auth,browser-checks,public"} 0
# HELP checkly_check_degraded_status The degraded status of the last check. 1 is not-degraded, 0 is degraded
# TYPE checkly_check_degraded_status gauge
checkly_check_degraded_status{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",muted="false",activated="true",tags="alerts,public"} 0
checkly_check_degraded_status{check_name="Email login",check_type="browser",muted="false",activated="true",tags="auth,browser-checks,public"} 1
# HELP checkly_check_result The response time of the last check per region.
# TYPE checkly_check_result gauge
checkly_check_result{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",region="ap-northeast-2",tags="alerts,public"} 1168
checkly_check_result{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",region="ap-southeast-1",tags="alerts,public"} 932
checkly_check_result{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",region="ca-central-1",tags="alerts,public"} 424
checkly_check_result{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",region="eu-west-2",tags="alerts,public"} 138
checkly_check_result{check_name="Customer API",check_type="api",region="us-east-2",tags="alerts,public"} 432
checkly_check_result{check_name="Email login",check_type="browser",region="ap-south-1",tags="auth,browser-checks,public"} 10174
# HELP checkly_private_location_queue_size The number of check runs scheduled to the private location and waiting to be executed.
# TYPE checkly_private_location_queue_size gauge
checkly_private_location_queue_size{private_location_name="Internal CI",private_location_slug_name="internal-ci",private_location_id="cac52f2d-8b8c-4ca5-9711-1836be02eda4"} 0
# HELP checkly_private_location_oldest_scheduled_check_run The age in seconds of the oldest check run job scheduled to the private location queue.
# TYPE checkly_private_location_oldest_scheduled_check_run gauge
checkly_private_location_oldest_scheduled_check_run{private_location_name="Internal CI",private_location_slug_name="internal-ci",private_location_id="cac52f2d-8b8c-4ca5-9711-1836be02eda4"} 0
# HELP checkly_private_location_agent_count The number of agents connected for the private location.
# TYPE checkly_private_location_agent_count gauge
checkly_private_location_agent_count{private_location_name="Internal CI",private_location_slug_name="internal-ci",private_location_id="cac52f2d-8b8c-4ca5-9711-1836be02eda4"} 1

Notice that:

  • The check for “Email login” is failing.
  • The check for “Customer API” is degraded, but not failing.
  • The checkly_check_status metric has muted and activated labels, reflecting if a check is sending out alerts or is actually running.
  • The checkly_check_result metric has a region label.
  • The private location “Internal CI” has one Checkly Agent connected. From checkly_private_location_queue_size and checkly_private_location_oldest_scheduled_check_run, we see that there’s no backlog of check run jobs.

Activating this integration is simple.

  1. Navigate to the integrations tab on the account screen and click the ‘Create Prometheus endpoint’ button. Prometheus integration step 1

  2. We directly create an endpoint for you and provide its URL and the required Bearer token. Prometheus integration step 2

  3. Create a new job in your Prometheus prometheus.yml config and set up a scraping interval. We recommend an interval between 30 seconds and 60 seconds. Add the URL (divided into metrics_path, scheme and target) and bearer_token. Here is an example

# prometheus.yml
- job_name: 'checkly'
  scrape_interval: 30s
  metrics_path: '/accounts/993adb-8ac6-3432-9e80-cb43437bf263/prometheus/metrics'
  bearer_token: 'lSAYpOoLtdAa7ajasoNNS234'
  scheme: https
  - targets: ['']

Now restart Prometheus and you should see metrics coming in.

Last updated on August 30, 2024. You can contribute to this documentation by editing this page on Github